Be part of our Story


Widows Center International

WCI dreams to see widows, children and families transformed with our work. To participate in fundraising is a good way for you to get involved with us!

Without your help, our work would not be possible and any fundraising is always gratefully welcome. Please get involved and make our vision of A world where widows are empowered through God’s love” come true.

Start a campaign

Become creative and start a campaign for WCI! The campaign could be to raise money for a particular cause, fighting for the women’s right and or a campaign that can empower the girl child. Start one today and help us to grow our impact.

Raise Awareness

Get involved with us by raising awareness and spreading the word about our work and the plight of widows. Raising awareness and spreading the word helps the world to know about our work and this widens and grows our community around the world. Raise awareness by spreading the word about our work with your family, friends, colleagues and workmates. Need more help, get in touch with us!


Get involved with us by supporting our work through making a donation. Your generous support means a lot to us and helps us every day to move towards our mission. With your support we are able to provide medical care, housing, pursue justice for the widows, startup businesses for the widows and carry out day to day activities and programs.